Traeumeland Mattresses

Traeumeland mattresses are the best baby mattress for your child. Made from cold-rolled foam, they provide optimal support for your baby's spine as they grow. Air channels through the mattress which ventilates the mattress. This keeps your baby cool and comfortable when sleeping on it, as well as makes it a very safe mattress for your newborn.
What is the difference between soft foam, cold foam and special foams?
Essentially, all types of foam can be used in a baby bed. However, there are differences in the breathability and the point-by-point elasticity from different types of foam material. Most of Traeumeland mattress models are made of cold rolled foam. This has a better air permeability than conventional soft foam and adapts perfectly to accommodate the body.
Some models are also made from special foams. These special foams are generally treated cold foams, and are therefore more breathable than normal cold foam. They also relieve the spine more effectively.
"Goldilocks" support
The ideal baby mattress is not too hard and not too soft. The higher the quality of the mattress foam and the more open-pored it is, the more comfort it provides.
Reinforced Edges
Reinforced edges on the long sides of the Traeumeland baby mattresses help with your baby's first attempts at standing in the cot. These are made from harder foam, which better supports your baby to prevent getting stuck between the bars of the cot.
Baby & Toddler Side
Depending on the weight of the baby, the mattress core has two different degrees of hardness in order to protect the spine. It is recommended to turn the baby side over to the toddler side from a weight of 12 kilograms. This allows the mattress to be used from newborn to about 4 years old.
Suitable for Allergy Sufferers
Traeumeland mattresses are certified free from toxins, emissions and harmful substances.
The "medically tested and tested for toxins" seal of the Fördergemeinschaft körperverträglicher Textilien (FKT | Z-101-PK-06) identifies body-compatible textiles from which no substances detach which might irritate the skin or harm the body's health. All Traeumeland mattress covers bear this seal.
The certificate (3090432) identifies mattress foams which are free of emissions and harmful substances.
Get your Traeumeland mattresses today!